Publication Details

Special Alert: Department of Labor Issues UPDATED Guidance Regarding FFCRA (COVID-19) Issues and Spanish Language Fact Sheets

After soliciting input from employers and human resources professionals, on March 26th, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued updated guidance on the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) regarding COVID-19 issues. Essentially, the DOL reissued its prior guidance but supplemented it with many additional questions and answers, including regarding documentation issues, whether leave can be used intermittently, and the use of leave during furloughs and government-ordered shutdowns. Notably, the DOL did not announce this updated guidance was available so employers may need to simply keep checking the DOL website for further guidance and materials.

The DOL also published Spanish Fact Sheets for both employers and employees to reference regarding FFCRA/COVID-19 issues.

Below are links to this updated guidance and the Spanish Fact Sheets: Employee_Paid_Leave_Requirements_SPANISH.pdf

Do you have questions about how this update may affect you?  For further information contact:

Emily J. Fox (

Lois M. Kosch (

Michael Kalt (

Wilson Turner Kosmo’s Special Alerts are intended to update our valued clients on significant developments in the law as they occur. This should not be considered legal advice.