Accommodating Pregnant Employees: Reviewing Employer Accommodation Policies in Light of the Supreme Court’s Decision in Young v. UPS

Jun 17, 2015

Accommodating Pregnant Employees: Reviewing Employer Accommodation Policies in Light of the Supreme Court’s Decision in Young v. UPS

Posted By namwolf, 2 hours ago
Updated: 1 hour ago

By Daniel Carrillo Gunning, Wilson Turner Kosmo LLP, San Diego, CA

Passed by Congress in 1978, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act requires employers to treat “women affected by pregnancy . . . the same for all employment-related purposes . . . as other persons not so affected but similar in their ability or inability to work.”  42 U.S.C. § 2000e(k).  Thirty-seven years later, the United States Supreme Court in Young v. United Parcel ServiceInc., addressed the question of what it means to treat pregnant employees “similar in their ability or inability to work” and specifically, how this provision applies in the context of an employer’s policy that accommodates many, but not all, employees with work limitations based on characteristics unrelated to pregnancy.Continue reading.